Inevitably, it seems as though each new project adds to our “behind the scenes” knowledge of so many aspects of our business community. In this particular case, we absolutely loved getting to know our client, Tenants Harbor Boatyard and gaining a better understanding of their great operation.
We personally had never visited this business that was located so close to ‘home’ on the St. George peninsula, and so we were especially eager to tour the facilities. We were amazed at the excellent operation, the full-service docking and fueling capabilities, and the absolutely HUGE boathouse located on the property.

A specific aspect of the property that the client wanted to portray was the excellent setting, and nearby amenities available, so we made sure our shot list included plenty of visuals to help get this across to the viewer.
We thoroughly enjoyed working with the folks at the boatyard, and were pleased to assist with their marketing campaign.
Tenants Harbor Boatyard from Carolwood Productions on Vimeo.