Visit with Tom Schwamb as he takes us up to a bell tower, and into his wonderful world of model railroading. St. George Stories brings you inside the fascinating vocations and avocations of your neighbors in and around the beautiful St. George peninsula, Maine.
Today In History – A Grand Beginning
Many people ask us how Carolwood Productions got it’s name. Clients, business colleagues, Disney aficionados. Wait a minute, Disney Aficionados? How do they figure in to the mix? Ok, here’s the story. In June of 1992, we were returning from a family camping trip to the south rim of the Grand Canyon. This particular vacation was memorable due to the escape of a convict from a local prison. He was armed and presumed dangerous, and we were tent camping in Mather campground. We saw many law enforcement people walking around with rifles slung over their shoulders as they patrolled the area searching for the criminal. In the evenings, helicopters would fly low overhead with high-powered spotlights scanning the campground, hoping to illuminate the escapee. Aside from all this excitement, it was still a great trip. The police action only added zest to the proceedings. After about a week we were driving home across the desert. For some time, I had an idea that I wanted to take our video production company full-time and strike out on my own. The concept was slowly but surely growing as a possibility with me… but what to name this new enterprise? I’ve always been a fan of many things Disney, and particularly interested in Uncle Walt himself. Another area of common interest is our love of trains, particularly the steam-powered variety. Back in the early 50s, Walt Disney used to operate (as a hobby) a 1/8 scale live steam railroad in his backyard on Carolwood Drive in Holmby Hills, California. He named the railroad line after the street he lived on, “The Carolwood Pacific Railroad“. Walt worked hard to produce the best quality entertainment and strove to push the creative envelope, and I thought it would be a nice tribute to Walt and the enterprise he built to name our company “Carolwood Productions”.