Visit with Tom Schwamb as he takes us up to a bell tower, and into his wonderful world of model railroading. St. George Stories brings you inside the fascinating vocations and avocations of your neighbors in and around the beautiful St. George peninsula, Maine.
Maine Coast Petroleum
Carolwood Productions recently wrapped up an exciting highlight video that was designed to give the viewer a glimpse into the many services that Maine Coast Petroleum offers to it’s customers. Because these products extend to both homeowners, as well as commercial accounts, we necessarily had to provide an expansive viewpoint for the viewer in order to convey those services.
So that we could best capture these services, production dates were scheduled across a six-month period. The filming locations ranged from the Port Clyde village, Route 131, a residential Martinsville location, the MCP business office (interiors as well as exteriors), on-board an oil truck, the Port Clyde co-op area, and finally, the far end of the Rockland Breakwater!
In essence; this is a look at the people served, and the products provided, by Maine Coast Petroleum.
Maine Coast Petroleum from Carolwood Productions on Vimeo.
Pulling on the Same Line
The St. George Business Alliance asked Carolwood Productions to create the opening presentation for a community discussion of the local commercial fishing and lobstering industry. The primary purpose of the video was not only to “set the table” for the panel discussion that followed, but to also generate areas of interest and further inquiry for residents and industry.
Pulling on the Same Line – St. George Business Alliance from Carolwood Productions on Vimeo.
Black & white still images courtesy of Antonia Small,
Winter in St. George… from the Air!
At Carolwood Productions, we’re always looking for exciting and unique techniques to incorporate into our projects. Whether these are new software, hardware, or camera gear; we love exploring better ways to tell our client’s stories.
It’s wonderful to be able to get the viewer’s POV (point of view) up into the sky, and create expansive, sweeping shots that are now incredibly affordable, thanks to the latest UAV advances.
Here is just a sample of some beautiful vistas, shot primarily from the air, in and around the St. George peninsula in Maine.
This newly re-mastered cut was re-imagined in June 2016 using approximately 25% newly-shot footage.
As always, click “full screen” in the player, and… Enjoy!
Winter in St. George, Maine from Carolwood Productions on Vimeo.