Today, I was doing some advance planning for the upcoming holiday season and indulged in a bit of musing, thinking about our kids growing up and their participation in various Christmas programs at church and school. One thing that struck me was, aside from possibly a few snapshots or an old costume, those memories would have been lost had it not been for some of them being professionally captured and produced onto video.
Christmas Ornaments at Disneyland
The music, the dance. The funny and poignant moments. All would have been lost to somewhat sketchy memories, getting more dim as the years pass.
Our children (and we, as parents!) work so hard rehearsing and memorizing lines and dance steps, and I’m thankful that we have video records; not only for us, but to share with them, and their kids!
A side benefit to producing each year’s Christmas programs at various locations is that we get to extend the holiday season into January as the events go into post-production. One of the most fun tasks I get to engage in is when I personally deliver the boxes of DVD packages destined for the homes of so many families; knowing that they will soon be enjoying watching their kids perform in the big holiday play or musical; just like we, as parents, also get to do.
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